SSL installation service is offered by so many companies. As long as they’re trustworthy, you could choose any one of them. Most of the companies charge a hefty amount like hundreds of dollars for a simple domain validated (DV) SSL certificate. These days major cloud hosting providers like AWS, DigitalOcean, Vultr, Google Cloud and others allow you to install lifetime free SSL from Let’s Encrypt. It’s a DIY process. Which requires you to have a little knowledge of Linux command line because you need to login to your hosting server (VPS) using terminal with Root access and run a few commands. Don’t worry if you do not have any experience on Linux or SSL installation process, we are here to help you. Our SSL installation services for Vultr or similar cloud hosting is very economical and reasonable in price. It just costs $19.99 a one time charge and then you enjoy a life time free auto renewable SSL.

Benefits of Let’s Encrypt SSL
- Fully Supported: SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt is backed and supported by all the major organization like Google, Microsoft, Bing, Yahoo, Shopify, CISCO, Facebook, Mozilla, Automattic, GitHub, Verizon, Red Hat , and more.
- Lifetime Free: SSL certificate is issued for 3 months, however it gets renewed automatically in the third month before the expiration due date. It keeps renewing every third month Automatically. So its a life time free certificate and you do not need to install or setup it again and again or pay for its service.
- Fast and Secure : It’s highly secure certificate with 2048-bit encryption and very fats. No complex authentication protocol or procedure. It authenticate the browser and domain quickly so does not make any difference in website loading time. Good for SEO.
- Issued Instantly: The SSL certificate is issued instantly.
The only problem is the installation process which requires a little technical knowledge of Linux and Apache web server. So if you are not a tech savvy, we can help you install the SSL for your website hosted on any cloud VPS just for $19.99. Any website built on any platform can be secured with Let’s Encrypt as long as the Webserver is supported by Let’s Encrypt Script. All the major Webservers like Apache and Nginx are supported.
So, whether you’re looking for SSL installation service for website on Vultr (Fast Cloud VPS Hosting Provider), or the ones hosted on any other hosting company, you could choose our SSL Installation service. SSL installation service for website hosted on Vultr is an easy process, and it can be done withing 30-40 minutes, provided that that you have all the information required.
What are the information required for us to Install SSL for your website hosted on Vultr, DigitalOcean or other Cloud VPS?
We only need the following information:
- Domain name for which the SSL is required.
- Hosting info
- Domain registrar like NameCheap or GoDaddy’s info
Order SSL Installation for your website hosted on Vultr or any other Cloud hosting for Just $19.99
What is SSL?
SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. It is a medium through which you encrypt the link shared between your web browser and the web server. By encrypting the link that the two points share, you ensure that all the data transferred from one point to another is safe and secured. You ensure that only the web server has access to your data and no one else. To establish an SSL connection between a web server and a browser, the web-server needs to obtain an SSL certificate, which it can do from various sources. One of the best and the most easiest way to get the SSL for your website hosted on Cloud servers are through the Let’s encrypt certificate authority which is backed and supported by all the major big organization in the world. Google, Microsoft, CISCO, Shopify, Blogger, Facebook, Mozilla, Automattic, GitHub, Verizon, Red Hat and other big organization support and sponsor Let’s Encrypt for free SSL.
Why have SSL?
In a world where unethical hacking has become a nuisance, where everyone is looking to access your data and use it to benefit them, SSL certificate is a must. With an SSL certificate, the web server can earn the trust of their users and offer them the security that they need in terms of sharing their information with the web server. With the comfort that one gains, after being connected to an SSL secured site, they can freely share their data like bank account details, social security number, and so on. From the perspective of business, security, trust, brand building, and lots of other aspects, it can be considered as a good decision for a web server to have an SSL certificate.

About Cloud Hosting
Cloud Hosting is a website hosting system that uses virtual servers, or servers situated in multiple locations all interconnected to each other. Generally, when the website is hosted by a web server, all the data is stored in a centrally located server, which limits the speed, accessibility, and numerous other features. With cloud hosting, the data is not stored centrally, but in multiple servers located, in most cases, throughout the world. Because of this simple feature, cloud hosting has advantages over the hosting system that uses centrally located server. Another big difference in cloud hosting is that it offers a VPS (Virtual Private Server) which is the cheapest VPS in the world and the cost usually starts with $3.50/month. You can host multiple websites in that one VPS costing $3.50/month. Vultr and Amazon’s AWS Lightsail offers this plan. These servers are fast and not shared by others like in the case of shared hosting and the full resources are dedicated to your own websites.
Benefits of Cloud Hosting Over Standard Shared Hosting
The system that uses centrally shared server is also called Standard Shared Hosting, and as mentioned above, Cloud Hosting has a lot of advantages over it. The first and the foremost advantage is that of speed. The data stored on cloud server can be accessed by the web browser at a much higher speed than that stored in Standard Shared hosting. As the servers are located around the world, the system connects the browser to the server nearest to it, reducing the time for the data to get transferred.
Another benefit of Cloud Hosting over Standard Shared Hosting is the storage capacity, and the ease of increasing or decreasing the capacity as per the need. Generally, the standard shared hosting providers don’t give the users enough space for their data to be stored, and even if they do, it comes with a lot of limitations. The users don’t even have the freedom to increase or limit their storage capacity as per their will. With cloud hosting, there are no limitations as such. You’re offered the space that’s promised to you, and as per the need, you could either increase or decrease it.

For these reasons, and many others, and the benefits that are offered, the users have started realizing that Cloud hosting is a better option over Standard Shared hosting. Its popularity has been rising tremendously, and the users have started preferring the former one over the latter one. You may like to read this article on 10 best cloud hosting providers in the world to get an idea of their cost and benefits.
About Vultr
Vultr is one of the most popular cloud hosting service providing company. Its specialty is quality hosting service at a very affordable price. It offers different packages such as Cloud Compute, Bare Metal, Object Storage, Block Storage and Dedicated Cloud. All of them have unique features catering to the specific needs of their clients. With attributes such as full control over the control panel and APIs, servers situated in around 16 locations around the world and so on, Vultr offers the most outstanding cloud hosting services in the world with fastest infrastructure using only SSD and Gigabit speed based internet network. It could be the best choice for you if you’re looking for a hosting company.
Benefits of having your site hosted on Vultr
One of the most important attributes of Vultr is affordability. You can get Vultr’s services in as low as $2.5 per month. All their servers use Intel CPUs and SSD as a medium for storage. As a result, your data isn’t just safely secured, but accessible at the fastest speed possible. Another significant feature of Vultr is the fast deployment. You could sign in for their services, and start using them within seconds. With Vultr, you are offered attractive hosting packages suiting to your specific needs, and during the time of use, you can go from one package to another as per your changing requirements.
Getting SSL for Website Hosted on Vultr
You can get SSL for your website hosted on Vultr in a lot of ways. You can get it from a third party that sells SSL certificate. You can get it through the company that has designed or developed your website for you. If you have a website that’s hosted on Vultr, and the website is still not secured by a SSL certificate. You should immediately pan to get your website an SSL and mark it secured in the browsers of your users.
If you’re looking for SSL installation service, and especially SSL installation service for website hosted on Vultr, We can offer your free advice and also install the SSL certificate for you just for a small amount of service charge that is just $19.99 ( No Extra charges whatsoever, no hidden cost). Call, Send a WhatsApp message or chat with us for any query or advice. Adrices and queries are answered happily without any cost.