PHP Project – online Vehicle booking System is a simple PHP, JavaScript and MySQL based web project
It is good for a University or High School Syllabus. The website contain 3-5 dynamic pages and 3 static pages. Home page, About Us and Contact Us pages are static while all other pages DashboARD, Vehicles, My Bookings and all the pages in admin panel are dynamic.

The online Vehicle booking system allow a user to rent Vehicle online from the website. Once a Vehicle is booked it is no longer available to book again by other user until the Vehicle is returned. The Vehicle which has already been booked will show the name of user and the date until when it is rented for.
The PHP Project – online Vehicle booking System also has an admin panel which allows administrator to Add / delete new Vehicle, View registered users, Make Vehicle available to book again by submitting it back to the system, View all the Vehicle currently rented.
This web project in PHP uses very simple and easy to understand coding and is very lightweight. No external script, such as bootstrap or PHP library except the Google’s Web Font for social icons.
View the live project at and feel free to contact if you have any question. Contact us on Skype:live:hawkdivetech or email at [email protected]
This PHP project include the following files:
Zip archive of all the PHP, CSS, JavaScript and MySQL Database file(
Readme.txt for how to setup the website on your localost or web server
Project Report.pdf
PHP Project – online Vehicle booking System is a simple PHP project designed specially for school and college students. Project is based on clean PHP, JavaScript, HTML and CSS code and has both static and multiple dynamic pages
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